Hello and welcome to the first project in my Free Online Woodworking School. It's fantastic to have you here! In this short video, I will explain the structure of the course. These are also summarised in the points below.
- - What you will need to make this project
- How the course is structured
- What processes you will learn
- How to use the resources available
Easy Navigation
The problem with uploading to YouTube is that navigation becomes hard, especially when trying to follow an online school. Unless it’s in a playlist (which can be troublesome to find) you have no idea where to start, what you need to learn, and why you need to learn it. This school puts everything in an easy to understand format and helps you get the most from this free course.
Bite-Size Chunks
I get it, it’s a pain in the arse when you need a reminder on a small process made within a video, yet you need to sift through a 40 minute long video to find it. Instead of 40 minute videos, this course is broken down into small manageable chunks meaning it’s far easier to find what you’re looking for.
The optional plans for this course come at a small cost, as detailed in this article. While these are not necessarily needed to complete the course because at the end of the day, a box is a box. It’s a great way to support what we do here.
Pre-Planed Project Packs
If you would like to purchased pre-sized material at a good price, visit www.mattestlea.com/projectpacks. These come in a variety of different materials and are perfect for those who want to avoid the fuss and get straight into cutting some joinery!
Tool List
You know how annoying it is when you get to a certain point in the project and realise you don’t have everything needed. I’ve got you covered. For each project there will be a tool list that includes everything needed to get the project completed. This tool list tends to a range of budgets as well as both hand tool users, and machine users.
Get the free tool list Here.
During this project, I will be using Poplar which is a relatively bland and soft wood with a uniform grain pattern. I chose this material as it is easy to demonstrate with as there are no striking grain patterns to put the viewer off, as well as make it easy to see my marking lines.
If you’re looking for a material to practice with, I would recommend Poplar as it is quite cheap and very easy to work with. Other great options would be Ash or Beech although these are somewhat harder.
You can purchase pre-planed material for this project from www.mattestlea.com/projectpacks

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