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Want to follow exactly what I'm doing?

Optional plans and material packs are available to those who don’t want to draw their own design and instead replicate my processes and measurements exactly. For more info, read about the online school.


In this quick video, I will brief you on the project ahead so that you know what to expect and can get the most from this course. Many resources are available at your fingertips so don’t miss the opportunity to make the most of them!

Project Overview



Unsure you have all the right tools for the project? This handy guide helps you choose not only the tools you need, but also gives my recommendations in order of preference. It also provides various options to suit different budgets.

Tool List



Want to start this project on the right foot? Purchase pre-machined timber in a variety of materials here. Perfect for those who want to avoid the fuss and get stuck straight into the project!

Pre-Machined Material Packs



In this lesson, we will get everything cut to size and marked out ready for laying out the dovetails. There’s a lot to learn from this seemingly simple task!

Sizing Material



In this lesson, I show you how to accurately mark out the tails on a dovetail joint for superior accuracy. I also cover what can go wrong and the consequences as a result.

Marking Out Dovetails



In this lesson, we will get everything cut to size and marked out ready for laying out the dovetails. There’s a lot to learn from this seemingly simple task!

Cutting the Tails



In this lesson, you will learn how to accurate transfer the tails to the pin boards for maximum accuracy and control. Don’t miss this important lesson!

Transferring the Tails



In this lesson, I cover the step that will make or break your dovetails. Unlike the tails where you had some leeway, these components need to be spot on.

Cutting the Dovetail Sockets



If you’re dovetails don’t quite fit, in this lesson I will share a series of steps that will help you fit the dovetails accurately with maximum control.

Adjusting Dovetail Pins



Theres a lot more that goes into gluing up than first meets the eye. Planning, preparation and patience are all needed at this part of the project.

How to Glue a Dovetailed Box



Theres a lot more that goes into gluing up than first meets the eye. Planning, preparation and patience are all needed at this part of the project.

Flushing Joinery



In this lesson, we begin construction of the lid. You will need to edge joint 3 panels together in order to do this and make a lid that looks good and is also stable.

Making the Box Lid



In this lesson, I will show you how to glue the lid so that it is flush and flat. Care needs to be taken at this stage as it will save you a whole lot of effort later in the project!

Gluing the Lid



In this lesson, I will show you how to attach the base of the box accurately. It’s incredibly easy to blast a screw through the side of your box by doing this wrong!

Attaching the Base of the Box



In this lesson, I discover that my lid is incredible twisted and in need of some TLC. This is how I go about flattening and fitting it to the box.

Flattening and Fitting the Lid



There are many ways to cut rebates whether its by machine or hand. In this lesson, I show you two methods of creating the rebates incredibly accurately

Cutting the Lid Rebates by Hand



While the method of removing the lid is up to you, whether thats shaping a finger pull or making a handle, this is how I went about creating my chosen method.

How to Shape the Finger Pull



The plinth will hide the plywood base of the box but needs to be rebated in order to be fit. In this video, I show you how to cut the long rebates accurately.

Shaping the Plinth Profile



Once the plinth profile has been cut, you now have to accurately mitre it on the corners. In this lesson, I show you multiple ways of achieving a gap free fit.

Mitring and Fitting the Plinth



In this lesson, I show you how to chamfer the corners of the plinth to complete the profile. Again, there are many ways to do this, all of which are detailed in this video.

Chamfering the Plinth



Sanding is a topic that isn’t often taught, yet may be the difference between having a piece that looks crisp, and having a piece that resembles a wooden cloud.

How to Accurately Sand the Box



In this final part of the project, I show you my personal process when it comes to applying finish to the box in order to achieve a clean, even result.

How to Finish the Box


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